Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints and cartilage. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are conditions caused, prolonged or made worse by work conditions.
Ergonomics / human factors considers the interaction between humans and other parts of a system. A goal of ergonomics is to reduce stress and eliminate injuries and disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks. A workplace ergonomics program can aim to prevent or control injuries and illnesses by eliminating or reducing worker exposure to WMSD risk factors using engineering and administrative controls. Risk factors include awkward postures, repetition, material handling, force, mechanical compression and duration of exposure.
There is strong evidence that job tasks that require a combination of risk factors (e.g., highly repetitious, forceful hand/wrist exertions) increase risk for hand/wrist tendinitis. Fifty percent of industries reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) rely heavily on the use of hand tools.
The PPS タクタイル手袋 enables the capture of natural high-resolution, dynamic, pressure mapping data to fully understand hand interactions.
Figure 1 Traditional methods of hand force measurement (a): hand dynamometer, (b) pinch gauge, (c) push/pull force gauges.
PPS TactileGloveは、再現性のある高解像度の動的触覚データの測定を容易にすることで、この問題を解決します。コンパクトなワイヤレス設計により、ユーザーがタスクを実行する際の障害が最小限に抑えられます。測定の再現性は、PPSの静電容量センシング技術を使用することで実現されます。
Figure 2. (a) The PPS TactileGlove being used for a task requiring god hand dexterity. (b) The inside of the TactileGlove showing the capacitive sensors.
触覚センシングは、表面全体、多くの場合、手のような複雑な表面全体の接触圧力のマッピングに関連しています。より頻繁に使用される「圧力」と「力」という用語は「触覚」に関連していますが、どちらも接触力学の完全な複雑さを捉えることはできません。 「圧力」は大きさのみをキャプチャするスカラー値であり、「力」は大きさと方向を表すベクトルです。触覚測定は、マトリックスとして表される領域全体の垂直抗力または圧力をプロットします。これを以下に示します。
Figure 3: Press, Force and Tactile illustration
One factor that can be used to differentiate different tools is the total effort required for a process. We can define Effort (N.s) as the total force magnitude exerted by the hand over the task duration, and calculate it by summing the integral of all force measurements over time as shown below and illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Effort is defined as the integral of total force over time, summed over all elements. So we add the area under each element curve.
例1:1” x 2”の木材を鋸で挽く
実例として、4種類ののこぎりを使用して、松の木の1” x 2”セクションを切断しました。
Tactile data from the TactileGlove is shown in Figure 5. There are two main views. The top view shows the pressure distribution at an instant in time, in this case during the use of the electric oscillating saw. Pressure is distributed mostly over the side of the index finger, base of the thumb and tips of the middle and ring fingers.
下のストリップチャートは、時間の経過に伴う各桁の最大圧力をプロットしています。右下のデータ分析ペインには、グローブによって測定された総力など、この瞬間の34 Nなどの主要な測定値の概要が表示されます。アクションと触覚を一致させるのに役立つWebカメラからの同期ビデオも表示されます。測定。
Figure 5: Example data captured by a PPS TactileGlove when sawing wood with several types of saw.
Figure 6: Maximum Digit Force
Figure 7: An example frame when sawing with the hacksaw. Total digit force is plotted in the strip chart.
Figure 8: Left: Effort for each saw type as defined in Equation 1. Right Maximum pressure for each saw type
Lastly, if we consider maximum pressure (Figure 9), we can see the pad saw provides peak pressure, over 200 kPa. Cross referencing with Figure 5 we can see this occurs on the thumb and ring finger, which may cause discomfort over prolonged periods.
Spreading is used extensively in gluing, sealing and painting. It makes extensive use of pinching, pulling and pushing motions. Lets consider the goal of optimising the hand ergonomics of the spreader design. The original spreader has a very thin handle, making it uncomfortable to use. Design 1 has a large hard handle. Design 2 has a large foam handle, most similar to a bicycle handlebar. All three spreaders have the same active area for spreading. The test subject was asked to spread a fixed volume of sealant for each test.
Figure 10: Original spreader, followed by two prototypes aiming to improve the design
Figure 11: Example data captured by a PPS TactileGlove when using three different types of spreader.
Figure 12: Plots of Effort, Maximum Pressure and Maximum Digit Force.
This white paper has provided an overview of how the PPS TactileGlove can be used to quantify the ergonomics of hand tools and power tools. The concept of task effort was defined when considering human factors and ergonomics. The effort calculation clearly showed the reduced work required when using electric saws compared to hand saws. Digit force and peak pressures were also considered key design parameters and were used to clearly show the advantage of foam on a spreader handle. Hopefully, it is clear that none of the traditional tools outlined in Figure 1 provides a comparable insight into hand ergonomics.
Useful Reading and Support
Additional white papers for calibration/verification and application support can be found here:
WHITE PAPER - Interpreting TactileGlove Data for Practical Use Cases - Published 2024
WHITE PAPER - Calibrating and Verifying Tactile Pressure Sensors - Published 2018
Details on TactileGlove specifications and intended use applications can be found here:
Force Measuring Sensor Glove | Grip & Hand Mapping
Pressure Mapping & Pressure Mapping Technology
Real examples of TactileGlove being used in research and development can be found here:
RESEARCH ARTICLE - Investigating Gripping Force During Lifting Tasks Using a Pressure Sensing Glove System - 2月 2023 - Purdue University - Download
RESEARCH ARTICLE - Identification of Adaptive Driving Style Preference through Implicit Inputs in SAE L2 Vehicles - 11月 2022 - Honda Research Institute USA, Inc - Download
RESEARCH ARTICLE (in Japanese) -Measurement and Assessment of Touch Skills during Dementia Care Movements Using Tactile Gloves - 2020 - Kyushu University