

Though it might not always be obvious to the casual observer, the clothing worn by Olympic and professional athletes can be as sophisticated and technologically advanced as anything else in their toolbox. Beyond simply making the athletes look good or protecting them from the elements, their outfits are, depending on the sport, often engineered to perform specific functions, like reducing drag or supporting muscle use.

This highlights a general trend that goes beyond high-level athletic competitions: People are demanding more and more of their clothing, not just in terms of fit—which they expect to be precisely right—but in terms of functionality. And tactile pressure sensing technology can play a key role in helping manufacturers as they race to meet these demands.


容量性触覚圧力感知技術は、多くの理由からこの課題に非常に適しています。その中で最も重要なのは、衣服のフィット感が1 psi未満の圧力を伴うことが多いため、比較的低いレベルで正確に圧力を測定できるという事実です。静電容量式触覚センシング技術の他の利点は、静電容量式触覚センサーが柔らかく、柔軟で、順応性があり得ることであり、これはしばしば着用者の皮膚をしっかりと抱かなければならない衣類を開発するときに必要である。




Consider, for example, bras, an area in which proper fit is crucial; a tactile pressure sensor-equipped mannequin could be one solution for companies aiming to improve bra design. Another logical use for tactile pressure sensing technology would be in the area of shapewear, garments that are designed to hold various parts of the body in such a way as to modify and ostensibly improve the wearer’s appearance. Quantifying pressures would be a crucial element of creating shapewear that is just tight enough in the right places to create the desired effect without being excessively constrictive.

圧力プロファイルシステム(PPS)は、おむつのフィット性を検証するための方法を考案するために役立つおむつメーカーによって尋ねられたとき、気密性(適切なシールを確保するため)と快適さの間の正確なバランスをとることする他のウェアラブル製品が鍵である。この原理を実証しました。 PPSは、このようにそのおむつによって適用される圧力を測定するために製造業者を可能にする、赤ちゃん状のマネキンの腰と脚の周りに行くことができるセンシングバンドに適合した触覚センシング技術を組み込みました。

Tactile pressure sensor technology could also assist in the development of garments that have medical applications, like compression stockings meant to treat and prevent deep-vein thrombosis, a complication that often involves the formation of potentially serious blood clots in the lower leg and calf. Additionally, it could be useful for companies that make the elastic tape that some athletes use to support their muscles.
