The Foot Pressure Mapping System was designed for footwear or orthotic designers, researchers in gait analysis, diabetic foot complications, or other disciplines interested in the pressure distribution on the foot. The pressure sensor system can measure and analyze pressure distribution on between a person’s foot and a shoe during any sort of stationary or ambulatory action in real-world conditions. PPS’s Foot Pressure Mapping System captures and visualizes quantitative, sensitive pressure data in real time over a wireless interface for minimally-invasive measurements in real-world conditions. Flexible, sensitive sensor integrates easily with footwear and provides industry-leading, quantitative data with excellent repeatability and sensitivity.
Highly sensitive and repeatable tactile sensors featuring 25 sensing elements to provide most sensitive and repeatable data available for accurate research and optimized product design.
Flexible design integrates easily into footwear or existing insole material allowing data capture without artificially modifying the natural actions of the test subject.
High performance capacitive sensing technology saves time and improves results by significantly reducing recalibration and repeated tests allowing developers to resolve problems and answer questions faster. Twice the repeatability, 5x better minimum pressure detection, and 50% better pressure sensing resolution compared to typical resistive tactile sensor technologies.
Chameleon Visualization Software provides intuitive, easy to use, high-quality visualization, and easy access to data for analysis and export to other applications. The software is fully featured which means export, replay, save, and analysis functions are included with every system, unlike competitors who require a paid upgrade for these features.